Call for applications for external evaluator – IDEA Project
The Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of the Region of Peloponnese, Greece (PDEPELOP), Coordinator of the European Erasmus+ Project “European herItage 3D gamEs platform for teaching mAths” (IDEA – 2019-1-EL01-KA201-062918), within the scope of the implementation of the Project, would like to call individuals with the know-how and former experience in the field of project evaluation who wish to be contracted as an external evaluator of the Project, to submit their a) application and b) curriculum vitae (CV) at the following email address:
Required Qualifications:
-Expertise in the development of applications in web and android environments.
-Expertise in the implementation of IT learning methods in schools.
-Experience in project evaluation.
The approved Project provides for a payment of a total of 1300 €.
The external evaluator will monitor the course of the implementation of the project both qualitatively and quantitatively, by reviewing the deliverables and is obligated to submit to the Project Coordinator two formal reports:
• an interim external evaluation report at the end of the first year of the project implementation (September 2020) and
• a final external evaluation report towards the completion of the project, before the final report to be submitted by the Project Coordinator (September 2021).
All applications must be submitted by February 19, 2020.